Born as the first son to the Matriarch of his Tribe, Mihk'a had a difficult childhood, having been pushed to prove himself from a young age. He learned the art of the bow and spear, honed his senses, all with the aim of becoming the perfect hunter. Upon reaching the age of 16, Mihka'a left his Tribe and took to wandering. The shift from being at the heart of a thriving community to his state as a solitary wanderer was a difficult adaptation for him to make. Not content with spending a life in the Shroud he took to the road, determined to see as much as he could. When currency, and the acquisition thereof, proved to be a problem, he took to a life of petty crime, using his natural stealthy abilities to his advantage.After a couple of years of travel around Eorzea, he sought further adventures and managed to secure himself passage, in exchange for work, on a ship travelling East. It wasn't until they were well out to sea that the true nature of the vessel came to light, he had signed himself on board with a crew of pirates. His innate athleticism and daredevil attitude endeared him to the captain of the vessel who tried to convince him to stay but, after so long at sea, he was eager for the land once more and was dropped off in the port of Kugane.Alone in a foreign land and penniless, he once again turned to petty crime, picking pockets in the street. However, everything changed during one failed attempt. He was caught by one of his victims and, instead of being left to the authorities, the man took pity on him, seeing him as a lost, rebellious youth. He was taken under the wing of the one he would come to know as his sensei, learning discipline and martial arts. It was here in Kugane he would be when the tragedy of the Calamity befell Eorzea. When news reached the distant shore, Mihk'a packed up his belongings, said his farewells and left for home.Reaching his beloved Shroud again, he returned to the tribe for a time, helping them rebuild after the Calamity. He was present when his people forged their uneasy peace with the citizens of Gridania, marking an end to the skirmishes with the law. With this new peace in place, he set out again, alone.Hitting the road again, he travelled where he could, occasionally joining with fellow travellers but most often alone. For a brief time, he travelled with a performing troupe, lending his acrobatic skills and a flair for fire-eating to their set but it was short lived. He eventually realised there was a market for his skills and hired himself out as a hunter for hire, taking contracts wherever he could.In time he returned to Kugane where he entered into a relationship with a Hyur and, through her, employment as a relic hunter for a museum. However, it was not meant to be in the end and they parted ways.Having decided that he had become too tied down with the trappings of the urban world, Mihk’a shed the job and lifestyle he had adopted at the museum in favour of his old ways. In recent days however he has set about gathering hunters and craftsmen, building a community on the outskirts of Gridania with the aid of a growing number of friends and associates.